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Why should I enroll my child in the elite training camp?



What are the eligibility requirements?



When is the camp?

June 19, 2015  to  June 21, 2015 | 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm

July 24, 2015 | 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm





Where is the camp?
Southeast Guilford High School

4530 Southeast School Road, Greensboro, NC 27406


How much does it cost?



Frequently Asked Questions



What kind of skills will they learn?





When is the registration deadline?


Why is working with teens and pre-teens important to you?

I know what it's like to grow up as a student and an athlete without access to essential tools like mentoring and coaching that lead to success later in life.  Growing up, my friends and I came from single parent homes and we didn't have the same resources, luxuries that other kids had to go to summer training camps and off-season expert coaching. We had to rely on our schools.  


I feel like if we would have had someone to guide us and talk to us about colleges, about why you it's important to get good grades. Knowing that helps you. It gives you a plan for how to succeed and direction. As a 15 year old, you don't have direction, you just know you want to be like LeBron James or  Donovan McNabb. All you see the end results, not the road to get there. I want to teach kids that if you make the right decisions, you can go far. You see that student athlete struggling in school or home and you let them know you have someone else who cares about. you. I don't just want to leave and impression on somebody I want to leave an impact.
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